Radio & Podcasting

Radio & Podcasting2023-03-30T05:47:49+00:00

Machizo produces audio documentaries and radio reports, but also provides training, audio streaming, and technical support to the radio station for making them online.

Voice of Climate Victims

‘Climate Radio’ is a podcasting online project of Machizo. In the year 2009 to 2021, it documented and featured the voice of climate victims. climate activists, researchers and policymakers of Bangladesh. This project was recognized by the ISIF Award 2012 for publishing the voice of the voiceless online.

Safe migration

On the eve of ‘Migration Day’, the AMIC and Machizo jointly produced an audio documentary on ‘Migration Rights’ in Bangladesh. It was broadcasted on ‘Radio 1812’. The testimominies of migrant labours who percecuted in abourt creducte was main theme. It also includes interviews of Bangladeshi labour ministry officials, individuals and NGOs activists.

Radio Boom

In this radio documentary (15:00) was produced for ‘Panos South Asia’. The necessity, realities and vision on the community radio in Bangladesh was the them of this production. Along with radio demand, the success stories, chronological history of community radio were explained. The role of radio on ‘Diaster Alert and Management’ in the costal districts of Bangladesh was key points in storytelling. After many years of waiting, Bangladesh becomes second country in South Asia after Nepal on community radio good practices.

The rickshaw puller

Forced by famine, floods, and debt, an estimated nine out of ten rickshaw drivers have migrated to Dhaka, swelling the ranks of the city’s urban poor. Rickshaw puller Mohammad Nantu Sarkar and his wife Fatima lead a hand to mouth existence in Dhaka’s slums. They said their story that express the reality of the rickshawpuller community.

Land Grabbing

The audio documentary on the land grabbing in Bangladesh was produced for Panos London. In rural Bangladesh commonly the poor become victim of land grabbing, sometime happen violence and loss life along with poverty by the powerful class. In this production a case in Bhaluka, Mymensingh district highlighted to express the reality.


Like ducks to water

Bangladesh is repeatedly afflicted by flooding, recognized throughout the world as one of the country’s most vulnerable for climate change.  Life has become a constant struggle to fight poverty and the floods.The production was produced for Panos on the struggle of Amena Begaum, spouse of Shamsur Rahman Shaq in south-western Bangladesh, where they spent four months a year living inundated by flood waters. They said their stories to survive after being forced to give up planting crops on their flooded land.

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