Saving Seed, Saving Rice’ ( বীজ বাচাঁও, ধান বাচাঁও) the short documentary created focus to Saving local rice, local seed, corporate aggression to agriculture, food security, bed effects of chemical fertilizer and pesticide. It says the story of Naya Krishi Andolon (New Agriculture Movement). In the inspirational activism and mobilization of farmers to save rice and seed past, present and future of culture has been said through interviews farmers and leaders. However, its having the song on movement composed by the farmer themselves. With the communal spirit they are now united and build a community seed bank Bijar Akhra. In the seed bank, they saved more than 3000 local species of rice and 700 species of local vegetable seeds.

Thousands of Bangladeshi farmers are now involved and inspired, not to use hybrid, fertilizer, and pesticide. The farmers are now cultivating local species with original eco-friendly agricultural system.
Agriculture, not only a cultivation, it’s a culture and lifestyle. Nowadays with the grasp of corporate aggression, the agriculture even the food security is under threat.
In Grassroots Bangladesh Naya Krishi Andolon has created an activism and actively working with farmers to save seed particularly the rice by mobilizing them. Thousands of Bangladeshi farmers are now involved and inspired, not to use hybrid, fertilizer, and pesticide. The farmers are now cultivating local species with original eco-friendly agricultural system.
However, farmers are aware on the politics of seed. Although they dont have option to know the global politics. However, understand, if they cannot save the local seed, the corporate will be the controller, the freedom would be lost.
With the communal spirit they are now united and build a community seed bank Bijar Akhra. In the seed bank, they saved more than 3000 local species of rice and 700 species of local vegetable seeds.
Without fertilizer and pesticide, once organic regenerative agriculture was matter of jokes. But now it has been establish the organic cultivation of local species is suitable and eco-friendly, however economical as there is less production cost.
The local farmer is now empowered and enjoying to collect the local rare species. They believe one seed million seed, seed is world… If we cannot save the seed, the farming culture will destroy. The agriculture would be out of soul, out of love, the nature and farmers would lose the song of joy with the sound of machine.