Machizo Multimedia is a registered digital media company operating in Bangladesh and Japan, pioneering its creative mission since April 2005. Co-founded by Shahjahan Siraj and Matsuzaki Misuzu, Machizo is dedicated to social commitment.
We offer a diverse array of digital media production services, including web design, documentary filmmaking, photography, graphic design, and media training focusing on ‘media and development’ issues.
At Machizo, we embody the spirit of social change. The term ‘Machizo’ originates from the Japanese phrase “Machi Ukegazou,” which translates to ‘working for change’.

Achieving a Peaceful Information Society: Equal Rights, Dignity, and Freedom for All, Without Fear, Prejudice, or RacismVISION
Achieving a Peaceful Information Society: Equal Rights, Dignity, and Freedom for All, Without Fear, Prejudice, or Racism
Machizo's Commitment: Advancing Social and Common Good through SDGs and Universal Human RightsCOMMITMENT
Machizo’s Commitment: Advancing Social and Common Good through SDGs and Universal Human RightsMISSION
Empowering development: creating digital media content with creative perspectives and public motivations.MISSION
Empowering development: creating digital media content with creative perspectives and public motivations.
Access and content are the pillars of media influence. Despite technological advancements, social change content has lagged behind. Our mission is clear: to bridge this gap by producing impactful content on rights and development issues.
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