Amitav Reza, a famous TV commercial director in Bangladesh
Amitabh Reza is a well known famous TV Spot makers in Bangladesh. With innovative approach and creative visual presentation with social commitment, his production becomes famous in Bangladesh. On behalf of Machizo, I would like to give thanks for his excellent productions. Amitabh Reza Choudhury is Director Producer of HALF STOP DOWN. From the very beginning of the company he is working with his own style and become famous. Details [...]
Films on HIV/ AIDS in Bangladesh
UNAIDS and UNFPA has successfully organized the 1st AIDS Film Festival 08 at IDB Bhabon Theatre hall dated 24th November 08. 20 Films and audio Visual materials has participated in the festival from the 5 agencies. The participating agencies are Action Aid, Family Health International, SMC , UNFPA , USAID and UNAIDS. The four days long film festival was inaugurated by the honorable chief guest Dr. Parvin Rashid, CEO [...]
Live Stream of World AIDS Day Celebration in Bangladesh
Machizo live cast the HIV/ AIDS celebration jointly with BDAIDS on 01 December 2011. Daylong online event was webcast from Dhaka street. The international audience enjoy Dhaka celebration from online streaming channel.
Global Documentary on 11-11-11
Global Voices collaborated 11Eleven Projects worldwide to raise awareness about the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Machizo was implementing partner of Bangladesh. In November, on 11/11/11, Machizo created Bangladeshi development portrait with photos, video and blog posts about this day under the motto, 'Share Your Life With the World' of global project. A Global Documentary' with footage from many countries was produced which was screened in UN World Peace [...]
‘Stop Diabetes’ animation
Diabetes is one of the most of rapid growing diseases in Bangladesh particularly to the urban community. Recently in Dhaka, the number of youth patients is increasing whom lives in tension with work overload, overweight, however do not take proper food and exercise. A number of my friends recently affected dangerously. I am so concern to understand it proper. I am screening here the animation, which help me, lot [...]
Training on Social Media and Social Bookmarking
Focuss.Info Bangladesh workshop was on “Social Media and Social Bookmarking” the extension of the Bangladesh Conference. It was held collaboration FocussInfo, Machizo and ULAB with 20 participants. Along with social media and bookmarking using, we over viewed blogging, twittering (micro), writing for web, however introducing with all popular social networking platforms, features and social book marking plug-in, modules, components etc. Special lecture by Dr. Brian Shoesmith and Dr. Jude [...]
Workshop on social media book marking
Machizo is going to organized training workshop collaboration with InfoFcouss Netherlands and ULAB on Social book marking from 29th July, 2011. Detail information at
Tsunami & Earth Quake in Japan: Learning for Bangladesh
Machizo has produced video for the "Next Generation Academy of Bangladesh" on their open discussion event in Dhaka University. The topic of the event was "Tsunami & Earth Quake in Japan: Learning for Bangladesh ". The event was held on 5th April 2011.
Deutsche Welle nominates UnnayanTV for the best video channel
The Deutsche Welle International Blog Awards – The BOBs – honors websites in 11 languages that champion the open exchange of ideas and freedom of expression. The BOB recognized UnnayanTV as A very capable video professional and social activist, Shahjahan has made a great contribution to social activism through his video documentaries. UnnayanTV has been nominated for “best video channel as part of Deutsche Welle’s TV annual BOB awards. [...]
Raising Voices featured Machizo’s project with interview of founder
In Bangladesh, there are many Internet service providers advertise 20Kbps - 40Kbps download speed as premium high-speed internet, to be able to watch videos on the internet can be a luxury. Facing this challenge Unnayan TV (development TV), an online video channel of Bangladesh, is regularly publishing video contents on development, human rights and educational issues of Bangladesh. The project has been recognized by Stockholm Challenge 2008 and Manthan Award South Asia. [...]
Japanese Orchestra’s performance in Nalonda, Chyanot
Gunma Junior Orchestra of Japan performed in Nalonda school of Chayanot, Dhanmondi. Dhaka on 01 December, 2010. Machizo coordinated the event to introduce Japanese contemporary music practices to Bangladeshi children.
Social Media Guide for Non-profits
In recent times, social media has become a very common term for non-profits. Many non-profits are using social media in their day-to-day work to increase their visibility, gain more support as well as raise funds for their activities. There is needed to follow some rule and procedure to use easily and effectively the tools. Machizo produced 'multimedia guide with video on social media for non-profile'. To get the guide [...]